Mastering ERP Selection: Essential Tips and Tricks

erp selection

When it comes to choosing the right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for your business, making informed decisions is crucial. The ERP selection process can significantly impact your organization’s efficiency, productivity, and long-term success. Here are ten essential tips and tricks to guide you through the ERP selection journey:

1. Know Which Features Your Business Requires

To ensure the success of your ERP journey, start by identifying the specific features and functions your organization needs in an ERP system. Conduct a comprehensive business review and needs assessment to determine which business processes and workflows the new ERP will handle. Additionally, consider how business requirements have evolved since the original system was implemented.

2. Customization

Regardless of your industry, your business requirements are likely to change over time. Therefore, choose ERP software that can adapt to your evolving needs while still delivering value. Customization and integration features within your ERP system are crucial for achieving this flexibility.

3. Implementation Process

ERP software impacts various aspects of your organization, so carefully evaluate the implementation process. Recognize that each vendor’s product is unique; some seamlessly integrate with existing business processes, while others may require operational changes. Identifying potential roadblocks early on can prevent day-one surprises and ensure a smooth implementation across your organization.

4. Plan for the Future

Consider the long-term support your business will require. This includes thinking about software upgrade frequency and how your ERP will integrate with potential new hardware or software. When evaluating ERP options, ask questions about software upgrades and support services to ensure your system remains effective for years to come.

5. Cost

Establish a clear budget for your ERP system, taking into account potential hidden costs that may arise after acquisition. These hidden expenses can include maintenance fees, necessary resources, training costs, hardware (for on-premise deployments), and other utilities. Ensure your budget aligns with your ERP implementation timeline.

6. Assess the Provider’s Reputation

An effective way to gauge whether a software vendor’s product will work for your organization is to examine its track record with similar businesses. Reach out to the vendor’s current clients if possible, as their feedback can provide insights into the vendor’s actual performance. Speak with multiple customers using the vendor’s product to gather comprehensive feedback.

7. Request Demos

Evaluating the usability, performance, and applicability of an ERP system for your company is essential. Request demos or trials to assess how well the system meets your unique requirements and challenges. Test the system with your own data, procedures, and scenarios. Additionally, inquire about its integration capabilities, upgrade and update procedures, and available support and training options.

8. Preparing for Data Migration

Data migration can be a complex aspect of ERP implementations. Determine the data that the new system requires, and avoid migrating unnecessary historical data. Many organizations set a cutoff date beyond which older data is excluded from migration to prevent moving excessive data.

9. User Support

Involve users from various functional areas in the ERP selection process. Address their needs and wants by including them in the requirements list. Assure them of the support, training, and resources they will receive to navigate the changes. Engaged and supported users can contribute to the successful adoption of the new ERP system.

10. Risk Management

Investing in ERP software involves inherent risks due to its cost, complexity, and implementation timeline. Mitigate these risks by setting a realistic budget, accounting for hidden expenses, leveraging vendor training resources, and maintaining patience throughout the process. Remember that ERP has the potential to save money, boost productivity, preserve client relationships, and provide a competitive advantage.

In conclusion, the path to selecting the right ERP system for your organization is paved with these ten valuable tips and tricks. By carefully considering your needs, budget, and vendor reputation, you can make informed decisions that align with your business goals. This strategic approach sets the stage for a successful ERP implementation, ultimately enhancing your organization’s operations and ensuring a beneficial ERP selection process.

If you’re looking for a reliable ERP software solution that aligns with your business goals, contact us today. Our team of experts specializes in delivering top-notch ERP solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Inventory Management: Excellence for Tomorrow’s Enterprises

inventory management

Efficient inventory management is the backbone of any successful business. When integrated into an ERP software, it becomes a powerhouse of streamlined operations. Dealing with inventory, you are going to face a lot of challenges during the execution process. In this blog, we’ll explore the complexities of inventory management within an ERP software, the challenges it helps overcome, and the ways it transforms business processes.


  • Inconsistent Tracking: Lack of real time visibility into inventory levels, movements, and sales can hinder decision making and responsiveness.
  • Warehouse efficiency: When a warehouse is inefficient it can lead to problems such as inaccurate inventory counts, misplaced items and increased operational costs.
  • Inaccurate data: Predicting demand and aligning inventory levels with actual requirements can be challenging without accurate data and analysis.
  • Changing demand: Changing demand typically necessitates adjusting inventory management strategies. If demand increases, you might need to reorder stock more frequently to prevent stock outs. If demand decreases, you might need to adjust order quantities to prevent excess inventory buildup.
  • Manual  Processes: Traditional methods of inventory management involving spreadsheets and manual data entry are error prone and time consuming.
  • Supply chain complexity: Supply chain complexity refers to the intricacy and inter dependencies within the various stages of a supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers. This complexity can significantly impact inventory management by making it more challenging to accurately forecast demand, coordinate demand, coordinate production and deliveries and managing inventory levels effectively.
  • Overstocking: Discrepancies between physical inventory and recorded data can lead to stock outs or overstocking, affecting customer satisfaction and profitability.
  • Inefficient process: Businesses operating across multiple locations struggle with coordinating inventory movements, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Inadequate software: Managing inventory in inadequate software can lead to delays, overstocking, and understocking. Also, it leads to customer dissatisfaction due to mismanagement and lack of proper tools.


  • Centralised Tracking: Inconsistent tracking in inventory management can be resolved by implementing a robust inventory management software that integrates real-time data syncing, barcode scanning, and automated alerts for stock levels.
  • Demand forecasting: Demand forecasting is a crucial tool in inventory management. Accurate forecasts enable businesses to maintain optimal inventory levels, preventing both overstocking and understocking. Additionally, it helps streamline the supply chain, reducing production and transportation bottlenecks.
  • Preventive Control: Preventive controls involve strategies and processes that help prevent problems such as stockouts, overstocking, theft, and obsolescence. By employing methods like demand forecasting, setting reorder points, implementing quality checks, and using accurate tracking systems, preventive controls ensure that inventory levels are maintained optimally, reducing costs, improving customer satisfaction, and enhancing overall operational efficiency.
  • Classify Inventory: Classifying inventory helps prioritise which items should be reordered first. Businesses can apply different replenishment strategies based on the classification, potentially reducing carrying costs.
  • Multi-location Warehousing: Multi-location warehouse management can be solved through various strategies. Optimizing inventory placement and movement in a multi-location setup ensures timely fulfillment, minimized holding costs, and streamlined operations, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and overall profitability.
  • Dashboard Collaboration: A dashboard collaboration for inventory management is a digital interface where team members can work together overseas and control inventory related tasks and data. It typically includes real time updates, analytics and tools for efficient inventory tracking, ordering and optimisation.

How ERP helps in Inventory Management

  • Automated Data Entry: Automated data entry minimizes manual input, reduces the risk of human errors such as typos and miscalculations. This ensures that inventory data is consistently accurate, providing real-time updates on inventory levels and enabling businesses to make informed decisions about restocking, reordering, or optimizing stock levels. ERP systems can automatically track items as they move through the supply chain, from procurement to sales, reducing the time and effort required for manual data entry.
  • Reducing Errors: With an ERP, you can track the status of purchase orders, sales orders, and shipments in real-time. This helps minimize errors related to order fulfillment. ERP systems facilitate regular inventory reconciliations, comparing physical stock levels. Any discrepancies can be quickly identified, reducing errors going unnoticed. ERP systems allow you to set user permissions and audit trails, reducing the likelihood of unauthorized alterations or deletions.
  • Department Coordination: ERP software acts as a unifying force within an organization’s inventory management efforts. ERP fosters collaborations among departments by providing a shared platform for data and insights. This improves coordination when making critical decisions such as bulk ordering or inventory reductions. It also helps in tracking inventory levels, orders, and stock movement across departments. This ensures that all teams have accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Predicting Supply and Demand: This process optimizes inventory levels, reduces carrying costs, and ensures products are available when needed. ERP systems leverage algorithms and data analysis to make accurate predictions, helping businesses effectively manage their resources and meet customer demand.
  • Traceability: Traceability in Inventory Management with the help of ERP involves the ability to track and trace the movement and history of individual items or batches within your inventory system. ERP systems provide this capability through integrated software modules and databases that capture and store data related to inventory transactions. One of the important features is batch tracking, which is crucial for industries like food and pharmaceuticals. You can track the origin of specific batches, including suppliers, production dates, and expiration dates.
  • Financial Reporting: ERP systems support different inventory valuation methods like FIFO (First-In-First-Out) or LIFO (Last-In-Last-Out). It allows businesses to choose the method that aligns with their financial goals. Additionally, financial statements like balance sheets and income statements that reflect the current state of inventory help businesses assess their financial health.

In conclusion, ERP systems play a pivotal role in enhancing inventory management. With the help of Quarto ERP, you can get real-time visibility into inventory levels, automating processes and facilitating data-driven decision-making. This enables businesses to optimize stock levels, reduce carrying costs, minimize stockouts, and ultimately improve overall operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Ready to enhance your inventory management operations with our ERP software? Contact us today.

Top Five Obstacles That Entrepreneurs Typically Face: How QUARTO ERP Tackles Them

obstacles entrepreneurs face

In a world where innovation and chaos are typical, entrepreneurs face a number of problems. When it comes to sustaining a business and working hard to succeed, there are some difficulties that arise, especially in these areas. Whether you’ve been around a long time or just getting started, this is what most companies experience in practise day in and day out. This blog discusses the top five obstacles that entrepreneurs typically face, and how QUARTO ERP tackles them.

1. Maintaining a budget

The budget gives companies a well-structured framework to describe their financial goals. Additionally, by setting explicit revenue, expense, and profit targets, companies can align their strategic methods. A well-established budget enables effective resource allocation. However, the budgeting process is not without its challenges. One of the most difficult parts of budgeting is accurately determining revenue and expenses. Companies often cannot anticipate market fluctuations, consumer behaviour, and unforeseen expenses. Lack of alignment with strategic goals, static and inflexible targets, departmental silos and unrealistic cost cutting are other difficulties in budgeting. Quarto ERP helps you manage all your budgets like, Accounts Budget, Sales, Purchase and Production budget and help the business to work seamlessly. You not only need a good budget plan but also need a perfect ERP for carrying out all your budgeting problems and give you the best revenue and expense reports.

2. Technology

Businesses of all shapes and sizes use software solutions. Choosing the wrong technology for your business will make your day-to-day operations more difficult. Data security, data management, cloud solutions, mobility orientation, ease of accessibility are the common technical difficulties faced by businesses.
Quarto ERP is available on all three computing platforms, such as web apps, desktop software and Android apps, so all the technical issues can be solved seamlessly. You don’t have to worry about your data because our ERP software allows you to access your data anytime, anywhere.

3. Cash Flow Management

Effective cash flow management is not just an accounting concern; it’s a critical aspect of your business’s overall health and success. Cash flow can be categorised into three main components.

  • Operating Activities: These are the primary revenue generating activities of your business, such as Sales, collections from customers and payments to suppliers and employees.
  • Investing Activities: This involves transactions related to your business’s long term assets.
    This category covers activities related to raising capital and repaying debt.

When income and expenses don’t align, late payments from clients can severely affect your cash flow, especially for small businesses. High fixed costs such as rent, salaries, and utilities can strain your cash flow.

With Quarto ERP all your cash flow headaches can be cured. With our software you can set clear payment terms and follow up on invoices diligently. Also can analyse your expenses regularly to identify areas where cost cutting is feasible.

4. Financing

Every organisation must deal with a variety of financial challenges that require skillful handling. High debt, inaccurate financial forecasting, operational inefficiencies, pricing strategies and pitfalls can lead to financial crises. With the right ERP, you can get a clear view of your repayment strategies.

Quarto ERP‘s financial accounting module can help you figure out exactly how to handle your finances. It helps you manage and track your finances with features like Master Schedule/Group, Ledger Accounts, Accounts Voucher, Voucher Designer – Text, Voucher Designer – Graphical and Narration.

5. Complex Tax Structure

The complex tax structure can be one of the significant obstacles entrepreneurs face in organisations of all types, from start-ups to well-established corporations. Due to uncertainty about the tax implications, entrepreneurs may be reluctant to enter new markets or launch new products. To ensure proper tax reporting and compliance, companies need to invest in specialized personnel or hire outside experts.

With our Taxes and Duties module, you will get a crystal clear idea of how our software eliminates all your tax ambiguities. From VAT to GST this module covers it all. We have B2B / B2CS / B2CL / CDNR / CDNUR / EXP / AT / ATADJ / EXEMP / HSN Reports. Whether you are a small or large business we can provide you with the right solution .

In summary, when we look at the issue, there are several challenges that an organization must overcome, including the obstacles entrepreneurs face, for its successful journey. So, choosing the right ERP for your business can solve all your problems. Quarto ERP includes all the modules you may need. Therefore, you don’t have to choose multiple programs to solve each of your problems, and the purpose of the software is to control complexity, not create it.

Ready to overcome challenges and simplify your business operations? Contact us today to explore how Quarto ERP can transform your journey to success.

How Does ERP Ensure Smooth Work Flow in Food Manufacturing

erp food manufacturing

Roles of an ERP in food manufacturing industry

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is essential for streamlining and improving numerous business operations in the food manufacturing sector. ERP software connects and controls various facets of the food manufacturing process, from production and distribution to sales and procurement.

Key roles of an ERP in food manufacturing industry:

  • Inventory Management: An ERP system can track the supply chain, monitoring raw materials in the factory. Additionally, it can also track the ingredients and final goods within the factory. Moreover, to meet production goals and reduce waste, it ensures the timely availability of the required ingredients. This systematic process includes keeping tabs on the stock that is about to expire and identifying historically unprofitable items.
  • Production Planning And Scheduling: ERP software helps in the creation of production schedules and plans based on resource availability. Additionally, it considers inventory levels and demand projections. Furthermore, it improves overall efficiency, reduces lead times, and optimizes production processes.
  • Quality Control And Compliance: By integrating quality control procedures throughout the production cycle, ERP systems in the food industry assist maintain quality standards. They make it easier to follow guidelines and certifications relating to food safety. These include Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
  • Traceability and lot tracking: To guarantee product safety in the food business, traceability is essential. In addition, ERP systems make it possible to follow raw materials and completed products all the way through the supply chain, making it simpler to pinpoint the origin of any quality problems or recalls.
  • Recipe Management: ERP software enables food makers to organize and keep track of recipes for various products. Additionally, it guarantees reproducible, precise ingredient measurements and offers simple batch variation corrections.
  • Cost Control And Financial Management: ERPs assist in budgeting and cost control since they have integrated financial components. Furthermore, they provide firms with information on production costs, raw material costs, labour costs, and other overheads, thereby assisting them in making decisions that will increase profitability.
  • Sales And Distribution Management: ERP systems handle order processing, billing, and sales management in food manufacturing industries. They provide client satisfaction by facilitating effective order fulfilment and prompt delivery.
  • Supplier Management: ERP software helps to manage interactions with suppliers, monitor their performance, and keep open communication. It facilitates negotiating better rates and guarantees a consistent supply of raw materials.
  • Real-Time Reporting And Analytics: Decision-makers are given insights into numerous facets of the food manufacturing process through real-time data and thorough analytics provided by ERP systems. They can use this information to decide what needs to be improved upon and to identify those areas.
  • Regulatory compliance: In the highly regulated food industry, ERPs help businesses stay compliant with various government regulations, industry standards, and labelling requirements.

How does Quarto ERP enhance efficiency in food manufacturing industry

Quarto ERP software is essential in optimizing food manufacturing efficiency, compliance, and traceability across the whole supply chain. With capabilities such as real-time visibility, inventory management, and quality control, it enables food manufacturers to increase productivity, cut costs, and provide high-quality products in order to satisfy the industry’s ever-changing expectations. Our ERP solution, by using the power of technology, sets the goal for long-term growth and competitive advantage in the fast-paced world of food processing.

Ready to enhance your food manufacturing operations? Contact us today to harness the power of Quarto ERP software and set the goal for long-term growth and competitive advantage in the fast-paced world of food processing.

What? One ERP on Three platforms!!!

erp on three platforms

Welcome to a journey of ERP innovation in 2023. In this blog, we’ll explore three key ERP trends, all under the intriguing umbrella of “One ERP on Three Platforms.” From cloud-based ERP to mobile ERP and the power of personalization, these trends are set to reshape how businesses operate. Join us as we unlock the potential of ERP accessibility across mobile, desktop, and web editions, promising newfound efficiency and agility. Let’s dive in!

Three Key ERP Trends to Watch in 2023

A) Cloud based ERP: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) on the cloud is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. Furthermore, companies may utilize to manage their essential business operations. Users can access Cloud ERP online, which a vendor hosts on cloud servers. Businesses may simply scale their ERP system up or down as needed. This is because they don’t need to invest in their own hardware or software.

Quarto ERP being a cloud based ERP helps any businesses by improving visibility and control, increasing visibility and securing data. Furthermore, Quarto ERP‘s enhanced collaboration with brands helps any businesses to improve the customer service and get their products to market faster.

B) Mobile ERP: Mobile ERP is a subset of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that enables users to access and use ERP features via mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Additionally, by enabling people to access information and do activities from any location, this can increase productivity and collaboration. Since Quarto ERP is also accessible via mobile phones and tablets, it ensures accessing real-time data, boosting productivity, saving time and cost, enabling offline access and increasing data accuracy.

C) Personalization and customisation: Personalization involves modifying an ERP system’s user interface to align with a user’s specific preferences, such as changes to the system’s language, design, and colors. This enhances the user experience and helps users find information more easily. On the other hand, customization refers to the ability to alter an ERP system’s fundamental functionality to meet specific business needs. This can entail incorporating with other apps, updating existing features, or introducing new ones. Customisation can help companies fulfil their unique needs and increase the effectiveness of their operations. Quarto ERP being a powerful customisation engine, offers a wide range of customisation options based on client requirements.

Finally, Quarto ERP software provides the convenience of being accessible via mobile, desktop, and web editions. Users can easily manage their business processes on the move, from their office computers. They can do the same from any web-enabled device, as well, all thanks to this multi-platform feature. This adaptability allows firms to remain agile and responsive in today’s fast-paced world, streamlining operations and boosting overall efficiency.

Using our ERP software opens up a world of possibilities for optimising workflows, data management, and decision-making, making it a must-have tool for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Get in touch with us today to explore how Quarto ERP can revolutionize your business across these three platforms.

Data Security in ERP: How Your Valuable Information is Protected

data security in erp

Data Security In ERP

Many firms rely on enterprise resource planning (ERP) technologies to operate efficiently. They store a vast amount of sensitive data, including financial information, client records, and intellectual property. Therefore, ensuring data security in ERP systems is of paramount importance.

ERP data security is threatened by a number of factors, including:

  • Cyber attacks: Hackers can use a range of techniques, including phishing attacks, malware, and denial-of-service attacks, to try and obtain unauthorised access to ERP systems.
  • Insider threats: Workers with access to ERP systems may abuse such access to commit crimes like data theft or system sabotage.
  • Natural catastrophes: Natural catastrophes, such as earthquakes, fires, and floods, can harm or completely destroy ERP systems.

To protect ERP data security, it is important to implement a comprehensive security program that includes the following measures:

  • Physical security: It comprises measures like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access control to safeguard the physical infrastructure that houses ERP systems.
  • Data encryption: To prevent unauthorised access, sensitive data must be encrypted both in transit and at rest.
  • User Access Control: Implementing a system of user permissions to limit access to ERP data for authorized users is user access control.
  • Data backup and recovery: This entails regularly storing a copy of your ERP data and having a plan in place to restore it in case of an emergency.
  • Employee education: This entails educating staff members on security best practices. Furthermore, it includes teaching them how to spot and report phishing emails and generate secure passwords.

Businesses can help secure their ERP data from various risks by putting these procedures in place.

Quarto ERP system stands out in data security with robust encryption, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access control. It ensures that sensitive information remains safe from unauthorized access. Additionally, it provides a secure environment for your business operations and confidential data.

Regular security audits and updates further strengthen our commitment to safeguarding your valuable information. With our ERP, you can have peace of mind knowing that data integrity and confidentiality are always a top priority.

Ready to prioritize your data security? Contact us today for a safer ERP experience.

Quarto ERP: Documents and Reporting System

erp documents

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, managing ERP documents and streamlining reporting processes is crucial for success. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have revolutionized the way organizations handle and report on their data. Explore how our ERP system transforms document management and reporting, boosting efficiency and empowering informed decisions for businesses.

Documents (Vouchers) play a major role in the functioning of every organisation. In brief, transaction vouchers are the major input source in the ERP system.

Quarto ERP is a user-friendly and powerful software crafted to manage Manufacturing, Sales & distribution, Inventory, Procurement, CRM, HR and Asset management along with full-fledged financial accounting and business analytics, it allows to generate professional financial reports and statements in a way that makes it easy. Quarto ERP allows the user to simply create different types of vouchers and sub voucher for convenience and business analysis. It also helps in delegation of work by granting rights to each voucher and reports. Users are allowed to customise the voucher according to the business requirement or for any special purposes.

Documents are maintained to record different types of transactions which are mainly the following types

  • Receipts
  • Payments
  • Journal
  • Contra
  • Purchase Indent
  • Purchase Order
  • Goods Receipt
  • Purchases & Purchase Returns
  • Sales Order
  • E-way Bill/Delivery Invoice
  • Sales & Sales Returns
  • Production Indent
  • Production Order
  • Production
  • Stock Issue
  • Stock Receipt
  • Inventory Damage Accounting
  • Physical Stock Taking
  • Stock Transfer

Benefits of Vouchers and Documents in ERP

  • Retain the information properly
  • Standardised control in ensuring the desired parameters
  • Efficiency in simplifying the transactions
  • Ensuring the correctness in transactions through approvals
  • Audit facility
  • Branch wise operational controls
  • User controls
  • Value limits
  • Put uniformity in the transaction system
  • Retrieval facility for multiple years
  • Locking System of entries
  • Different Vouchers in desired design capabilities

Reporting Capabilities

The report traces the state of activities currently in the business. It can be historical, analytical or statistical in nature. Report Building capability of Quarto ERP helps its users to design and retrieve information based on the management decision making aspects, User level activities and gets instantly. These reports help to keep track of each and every business transaction along with supporting vouchers. Reports can be created for various purposes in the business. For every entry in the software there we can create a customised report and the user or administrator can limit the access to the report as per its nature.

Graphical Reports

Quarto ERP provides graphical reports for better understanding and analysis. Graphical reports are a visual representation of data and information that helps in understanding and identifying trends in the ever increasing flow of data in the business. Graphical representation enables the quick analysis of large amounts of data at one time and can aid in making predictions and informed decisions etc. These reports can be analysed in different modes.

Report Configuration in Quarto ERP

Quarto ERP report configuration facilitates its users to configure the reports in the way that the business requires. We can configure and create new reports according to the user requirement. It characterises the information that defines the performance, Functional and attributes of the reports.

User Level Access rights

Quarto ERP is secured both from external and internal attacks. It limits the access of individual users through User Access Rights, Document Locking System, Approvals etc.

An Array of Inbuilt and Buildable Reports

Quarto ERP provides inbuilt reports that carry different functionalities in the business.

  • Day to day Reports
    1. Cash book/Bank book/Day Books
    2. Sales Register/Sales Return Registers
    3. Purchase Register/Purchase Return Registers
  • Financial Reports
    1. Balance Sheet
    2. Profit & Loss
    3. Trial balance
  • Stock Reports
    1. Current Stock
    2. Stock Ledger
  • Analysis
    1. Inventory Analysis
    2. Budgets & Actuals
    3. Ratio Analysis

Different financial reports, Inventory Reports, Analysis are generated according to the workflow of business. These reports can be accessible daily, monthly or yearly. Also users can generate reports as the requirements.


Creating ERP documents and reports is an integral part of our approach. We ensure their relevance and detail them in a simplified manner, providing efficient and straightforward management of daily activities. This includes the backbone storage of data, ensuring data security for the company, which is readily available whenever a decision-making team needs it.

If you are in business or in management please welcome to our site to know more or contact us through Phone 9995824809/9995824808, Email:

Effect of Quarto ERP in Manufacturing Companies

erp in manufacturing

QUARTO ERP is one among the very few integrated software solutions that can help your manufacturing firm by:

  • Enhancing efficiency and Productivity.
  • Reducing operational costs.
  • Managing production processes.
  • Increasing profit margins.

It is the exact solution that enables you to make informed, accurate, and strategic decisions. Additionally, it automates all production activities, including planning, procurement, process management, and resource scheduling.

Time is money for manufacturers, and time-consuming tasks are natural targets for improving efficiency. To minimise the time around the receipt of materials and imprecise life cycle management and warehouse data, businesses can leverage inventory management and supply chain modules in Quarto ERP software. These features not only store and track data on logistics, vendor contracts, and warehouse operations, but they also enable real-time inventory and supply chain logistics management through reporting, automated alerts, and data analysis suggestions.

QUARTO ERP can support your manufacturing business in many ways, such as:

Production scheduling

QUARTO ERP helps ensure the efficient use of materials within the organization. When materials are ordered and excess inventory accumulates, QUARTO ERP assists in planning these materials for production. It also aids in managing the procurement, pricing, and payment of raw materials, as well as scheduling staff and machine operations. This reduces the need for manual intervention and minimizes paperwork.

Inventory Management

Quarto ERP manages raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished goods in a systematic way, ensuring a continuous supply of raw materials and supplies to facilitate uninterrupted production. Quarto ERP’s Bill of Materials (BOM) feature automatically allocates materials to production and calculates the manufacturing costs of making that product.

Production Costing

Quarto ERP calculates and manages various costs and expenses incurred in the entire production process. It helps eliminate unnecessary actions and expenses that arise during the process and allows you to analyze the actuals and budgets.

Process Management

Process Management defines how products are manufactured through different processes. Each process should be efficient in terms of cost, time and lean. In Quarto ERP, each process is efficiently managed by integrating all the production processes in a single window, analyzing raw materials, outcomes, quality checks, wastage, cost, and time.

Warehouse Management

Quarto ERP integrates and manages multiple warehouses, rooms, rows, shelves, bins, and more with just one software—Quarto ERP. It connects warehouses to accounts, stock, and shows a different stock entry voucher to select which units complete the orders. Moreover, it reconcile stock and perform batch operations, and get quick insights and reports on all your items across multiple warehouses.

Quarto ERP allows for tracking the costing of individual warehouses within the company. It systematically and accurately records the expenses incurred and goods moved from a warehouse, helping to maintain the company’s stock report

Order Management

Quarto ERP helps trace customer and supplier orders, create bills and invoices, and schedule production activities. It estimates raw materials for production, tracks the status of items already in production, and monitors stock levels. Additionally, it allows you to set and maintain minimum stock levels for different items and receive alerts when your inventory falls below the defined level.

Logistics Management

Quarto ERP software can create immense value for businesses in the logistics industry. Furthermore, it enables you to track and manage various functions like delivery planning, distribution management, real time tracking etc.

Budgets and Actuals

Preparing an accurate budget is an essential part of making your manufacturing operation profitable. A budget helps you set prices, improve efficiency, and plan for future growth. Quarto ERP enables you to create budgets for manufacturing, and you can compare the actuals with the budgets for better analysis. It shows any deviations that can be analyzed and corrected in the future.

Quarto ERP Software enables companies to control and monitor manufacturing operations more efficiently through better information management and sharing. This ultimately improves a manufacturing company’s workflow efficiency, resulting in lower production costs, higher profit margins, and increased productivity. For manufacturing companies, their ability to stay in the industry or compete globally depends on how well they manage and streamline their manufacturing processes. Quarto ERP can facilitate this because it helps them manage, improve, and consolidate all aspects of manufacturing from a single platform, rather than using separate applications for each department. In addition, Quarto ERP software offers customized dashboards that provide manufacturing companies with real-time data on their operations.

If you are in business or management, please welcome to our site to know more or contact us through phone 9995824809  / 9995824808, Email:

5 New Features of Quarto ERP: Easing Manufacturing/Distribution Business

new features of quarto erp

In the world of business software, Quarto ERP is making waves with its five new and exciting features. These features are changing the way businesses operate for the better. From managing your work online and offline to handling documents with ease, Quarto ERP is here to simplify and improve your business processes.


Solution providers rarely offer both offline and online connectivity options, allowing users to work with the software both with and without an internet connection. Quarto ERP offers this unique feature, enabling businesses to manage their operations seamlessly, even when offline, while storing their data securely in a cloud server.


Go paperless with Quarto ERP’s document management feature. Easily upload documents and files of various types, linking them to their corresponding transaction entries. This functionality allows companies to efficiently store invoices, vouchers, and other documents in formats such as PDF, JPG, Word, Excel, and more.

Exporters and importers will find this feature especially valuable, as it simplifies the management of documents for international trade. Quarto ERP supports document uploads through three different applications: Quarto Web, Quarto Windows, and Mobile, ensuring accessibility from various devices and locations.

This feature empowers users to retrieve supporting documents instantly. Consequently, it becomes a valuable tool for accountants and auditors who can review documents remotely.


With Quarto ERP’s branch-wise accounts management feature, you can effortlessly create customers, suppliers, accounts, and manage inventory across all branches. This system provides branch-specific and consolidated statements for Cash, Sales, Purchases, Finance, and Inventory, catering to users associated with each branch.

The online branch management capability simplifies the integration of various activities across different branches, ensuring maximum efficiency.

Key Benefits:
  • Centralized Control: Maintain centralized control over all branches, streamlining operations and monitoring performance from a single interface.
  • One Customer, Any Branch: Enable transactions with a single customer across multiple branches, improving customer service and account management.
  • Branch-Wise Inventory Management: Track inventory levels and movements on a branch-by-branch basis, facilitating better inventory control.
  • Branch-Specific Cash and Bank Management: Monitor cash and bank positions for each branch separately, enhancing financial oversight.
  • Employee Login and Attendance Control: Implement employee login and attendance tracking for effective staff management.


Quarto Web Console empowers users to create modules within the Quarto Web App. Furthermore, it enables instant modifications and seamless integration into the web application.


Quarto ERP offers a powerful solution for businesses with diverse product types and multiple verticals. This feature allows you to efficiently manage various business verticals within a single application. It provides a unified platform for overseeing and analyzing results.

In a nutshell, Quarto ERP offers a set of five remarkable features that can transform the way your business operates. Whether it’s ensuring you can work anywhere, anytime, managing documents effortlessly, or handling multiple branches efficiently, Quarto ERP has you covered. These new features are all about making your business operations smoother and more effective, so you can stay ahead of the competition. Don’t miss out on the chance to upgrade your business with Quarto ERP! Contact us today!

Document Management: the game changer in ERP systems?

Document Management in ERP

In today’s digital age, everything is digitalized. This digitization has transformed all sectors of the economy, offering more efficient alternatives to traditional processes. Tasks that were once cumbersome are now easily accomplished with a simple click. One such revolution in the business world is the integration of Document Management in ERP systems. This combination, known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), has become indispensable for businesses. Quarto ERP is one of the best ERP solutions for Small and Medium Businesses, with global applicability. To learn more about the advantages of Quarto ERP, please visit

Quarto Document Management System

Retrieving important documents from a pile of paper files can be a real nightmare for accountants and managers. Often, urgent documents may become mutilated, torn, or misplaced. However, the next big advancement in Quarto ERP is the inclusion of the Quarto Document Management System (QDMS).

QDMS is a powerful tool designed to store, retrieve, track, manage, and audit various types of documents related to the business. These documents come in various file formats such as PDF, Word, Excel, Images, Presentations, and more. QDMS efficiently organizes these files provided by users, assigning identifications that make storage and retrieval incredibly user-friendly.

QDMS proves to be a valuable asset, particularly for companies dealing with a high volume of documents, especially in the Export and Import businesses. This module significantly reduces the workload for each ERP user, ensuring the system can effortlessly provide the necessary supporting documents to managers and auditors whenever needed.

QDMS saved a business entity in Kerala during the Flood of 2018

One of our clients from Kerala survived the heavy flood of 2018 only because their documents had been stored in a Cloud Server. After the flood, many of their valuable agreements and documents were damaged and became unreadable after being submerged in water for many days. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to efficiently manage their documents and records by keeping them in the cloud or other reliable storage.

Quarto ERP facilitates QDMS in the following platforms

  1. Quarto Web Application
  2. Quarto Mobile Application (Android)
  3. Quarto Desktop Application(Windows)

Quarto ERP enables QDMS in the following modules

  1. Financial Accounting
    • Receipts
    • Payments
    • Journal
    • Debit Notes
    • Credit Notes
  2. Sales/Distribution
    • Customer Orders
    • Sales Invoices
    • Export Invoices
    • Delivery Notes
    • Sales Returns
  3. Purchase Management
    • Purchase Orders
    • Purchase Invoices
    • Purchase Imports
    • Goods Receipts
    • Purchase Returns
  4. Inventory Management
    • Stock Receipts
    • Stock Issues
    • Stock Transfer
    • Damage Accounting
  5. Production/Manufacturing
    • Production Orders
    • Consumption
    • Production/Process
    • Packaging
  6. Customer Relationship Management
    • Enquiry
    • Quotation/Proposals
    • Service/Support entries
    • Service Contracts

So how does QDMS work?

Every activity performed by a business needs to be recorded in the books, no matter how small the entry may be. A QDMS creates an identity for every entry, which has and stores digital data related to its identity. All the documents linked with the related identity are stored in a logically organized manner, making document retrieval very easy.

QDMS helps you in business

  • Easier storage of data

    Scan the file and upload through QDMS
    All the document files are stored in the Cloud server. Additionally, files are stored with a file number or file name along with the type of file extension.

    While doing an activity in Quarto ERP, click on Document link and attach the document files, work is done. The documents are stored in the secured repository of Quarto ERP which are available for the users on a click away. Moreover, a brief info of the stored documents will be displayed for a quick look.

    QDMS will drastically reduce the efforts of users who are managing the documents. When there are a lot of possibilities to damage the Physical documents, the digital documents kept in the Quarto ERP will be supported with security features and the valuable documents will be in a safer place.

  • Enables easy sharing

    The documents stored in the QDMS help share with users who need to access it from anywhere. Additionally, the documents can be sent through Email as attachments or shared through Whats app.

  • Audit becomes very easy

    Various types of audits are required for every company at different periods throughout the year or even after many years. During the audit, an examination is conducted on all activities of the business during that period. Auditing involves confirming transactions with the verification of supporting documents. Thus, depending on the audit procedure, the company’s transactions need to be properly documented with supporting documents.

    Through QDMS, the documents connected to each transaction will be listed in the document list and can be opened by clicking on the document name or link provided. Auditing becomes a nightmare when the supporting documents are missing or not available for auditors. With QDMS, there will no longer be any nightmares for both auditors and company managers during the auditing process.

  • Data security

    The data stored in the QDMS is 100% secure and can only be accessed by authorized users. A Document Management System is not limited to storing your company’s accounting activities; it also helps you record and store all departmental activities within your organization. In short, it is an all-in-one system for your company.

The primary goal of an ERP system is to increase organizational efficiency. The document management system is an integral part of ERP systems but can also be used independently. Unfortunately, even in this technologically advanced era, many people are still unaware of the existence and operation of Document Management Systems. Thus, the lack of awareness about document management systems can lead to significant challenges and increased workload.

Let’s take an example using QDMS in the context of a purchase. Suppose your company makes a purchase of several items on a specific date. Since purchase transactions are crucial, they need to be well-documented. By utilizing a document management system, you can scan and store documents related to the purchase, associating them with the purchase transaction. This stored information regarding your purchase can be easily retrieved whenever needed. Furthermore, you can share these purchase documents with others via email or WhatsApp and keep them safely stored in the system for as long as required. Therefore, this approach can be applied to manage all documents within your company.

Documents Retrieval

Once the document is uploaded, the file is connected to the particular account head and can be retrieved by users who have access rights. In addition, a list of documents will be displayed, and they can be opened through the document link.


QDMS can be customized to meet user requirements and to the specific model of application. Moreover, API system can be provided for bridging with third applications seamlessly.

So, if you are looking for a system that can enhance your business efficiency and assist you in utilizing your resources effectively, you should consider installing Quarto ERP and Quarto Document Management Systems. Quarto offers top-notch ERP systems along with the best Document Management System.